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Jackson Reynolds
3 min readDec 7, 2020

Rendering show/detail components in a SPA (single-page application) using React.js

In this small series of blog posts about the React/Redux project, I would like to focus on another challenge I tackled, which was showing and hiding show components of a particular resource. Specifically in my case, hiding and showing the details of a trail day event.

Some quick background for those just tuning in; this is a feature of an app that I wrote for my React/Redux (final) project for the Flatiron School boot camp. It is a single-page application that models an incentive program that encourages users to volunteer for trail days by earning points and redeeming those points for rewards.

Ok, on to the content.

Upon first navigating to the /events path, you’ll be greeted by the future events rendered in a card deck with some basic info for each.

Events index component

If a user wants more information on an event, they can click the “Show Detail” button originally would have rendered a separate detail component and routed the user away from the event index. However, I wanted the page to be a bit more interactive and flexible, so I opted to render the detail component in addition to the card deck. This still changes the url, but also allows the user to swap out which event is detailed, without having to go back to the index.

Event with detail component rendered under the index

The way to set this up is to render the components based on the current url. In fact, this is similar to the design necessary to render the different index components and login/signup forms. The difference here is that we want the url to be dynamic and show the event resource that corresponds to the :id param in the url. To do this, we will make use of the routerParams that get passed by default into the render prop of the Route component. This si will require that you send a function to that prop as well, to which the routerProps will be sent as an argument.

<Route path="/events" render={routerProps => <EventsPage {...routerProps} />} />

We will need the match property from routerProps to match a resource to the url. Since EventsPage is the container that will render the index and detailed component, we’ll set that up next.

Events Container

In this component, we’ll set up a Route that renders the detailed view of the event we’re interested in.

{ => <Event user={user} handleClick={this.handleClick} key={} event={e}/>)}
<Route path={`${match.url}/:eventId`} render={routerProps => <EventDetail {...routerProps} user={user} events={events}/>} />

We pass routerProps down to the EventDetail component so that it can access the param (:eventId) and grab the correct Event. Once the url contains a parameter for eventId, the route will render the EventDetail component.

Event Detail Component

Upon being rendered, this component will check the match.params from props and make sure that an event can be found that corresponds to the :eventId param. If not, instead of throwing an error, the component simply won’t render.

let {match, events} = props
let event = events.find(e => parseInt(match.params.eventId) ===

Then we’ll use an if statement to check if the event is found, rendering it if it does, or rendering null otherwise.

Thanks for reading!

